When you want to write a novel you know that it will take time to write it. You understand that creating a habit of writing regularly is important. But actually sitting down to write every day is not always easy. I go through what makes building a consistent writing habit difficult and how to build a regular writing routine. We live in a fast-paced world where virtually anything we desire is a click away. Instant gratification is commonplace so it’s natural to …

Building a consistent writing habit for beginners. Start your writing today. Read more »

Creativity is an essential part of writing fiction. Sometimes this is easy. Your brain is throwing out ideas and suggestions faster than you can write. It feels like a river in full flow. But, then there are times when there are no ideas. Your brain feels empty. The river has completely dried up and there is only a dried out river bed. There are ways to boost your creativity so that it does not become a mental block. Especially if you have …

9 steps to boost your creativity and improve your novel Read more »

Writing is a solitary process. Unfortunately, this means that when we struggle we do not always have someone we can talk to about it. One way of feeling less alone is to look at published authors and their difficulties with the writing process. So, let’s look at how to find other writers routines as inspiration for your own. I have included some authors as examples. But I have also suggested how to research authors for yourself. I will never be able to include …

How to use other writers routines as inspiration for your own Read more »

Writing is not always about sitting down with a pen in hand and a stack of notebooks ready to be filled. Often, our image of what a writer looks like will be in black and white. But we have moved on from using quills to write with. Modern writing needs modern methods. Writing related activities can also help us to increase the amount we write.

There is no magic formula that works for everybody. Writing is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ activity. I am going to walk you through the steps so that you can build a writing routine that works for you. While I am giving you a framework you are going to be doing most of the work. I give you the possible options but you make the decision. This puts control into your hands.  I have searched for the ‘secret’ step that I was sure I …

How to build your writing routine in 5 days Read more »

I am not going to tell you to redecorate or the ten-point plan guaranteed to produce a masterpiece.  The reason this is such a popular topic is because there are so many variables. I am going to help you set up your environment to support your writing. I would often blame my surroundings, the time of day, the bright light – almost anything as the reason why it was difficult to write. I had to change this way of thinking to increase the …

Setting up your productive and inspiring writing space Read more »