Are you writing what you want to write or what you think you ‘should’ write? The stories that I want to write all fit into the fantasy genre. Trying to generate ideas for any other genre is a struggle for me. It is one of the reasons why it took me so long to just sit down and write. Even though I had qualifications. I had ideas. But I did not feel that writing what I wanted to write was valid. I …

How to find your writing niche Read more »

Writing always looks straightforward when you see it from the outside. Think of an idea, sit down and start writing. But what if you have already tried that and it did not work? One of the struggles with building a regular writing habit is that the words on the page do not always match the words in our heads. It is easier to increase the amount of words that you write once you get used to what your words look like. How …

How to get the first words on to the page Read more »

The need to be ‘perfect’ stopped me from writing sooner. As a recovering perfectionist I want to show you how it held me back. The need to be ‘perfect’ has gotten in the way of completing almost any task I have ever undertaken. It was when I began to let go of my perfectionism that my life began to get better and I also started to write more. I want to help you recognise perfectionism, how it shows up and how to …

Getting rid of the mindset that prevents you from writing. Read more »