So far I have been rejected 14 times. I have submitted my short stories 15 times and gotten one acceptance and 14 rejections. But now I feel like I have joined the club of people who have had their writing rejected and I can call myself a writer. It is a much easier club to join than the published novel club. I want to share with you what I have learned from my rejections so far. Everyone has experienced rejection – even Oprah …

What I have learned from my writing rejections Read more »

I am not going to be talking about grammar, spellings or sentence structure. I am not going to talk about plot or if you should be planning or ‘pantsing’ your novel. These are not mistakes. These are all just part of the writing process. So I do not consider these mistakes. Why is it important to learn from your mistakes? Mistakes are a way of letting us know that we have more to learn. For me I am reframing this to look …

Are you scared to make mistakes when you write? Read more »

Comparison is the thief of joy – Theodore Roosevelt The only person you should compare yourself with is the person you were yesterday. These quotes are probably already familiar to you. But recognising a quote and taking action on the advice are two very different things. I have suffered a lot from comparisonitis in many areas of my life. Parenting, appearance, salary, driving, writing and many more. If someone else was doing the same thing as me I would compare myself and …

What to do instead of comparing yourself to other writers Read more »