I love listening to writing podcasts. There are a lot to choose from so for this list I have picked the writing podcasts I listen to the most. There are many ways that listening to writing podcasts can help your writing. I enjoy listening to podcasts especially podcasts about the writing process.  It helps to hear that other people are going through the same struggles. I feel less alone when I hear established authors and writers that I respect talk about their …

Supercharge your writing by listening to these 7 writing podcasts Read more »

You are not alone. Many people are scared to write a book. Luckily, this can be changed. I have gathered together 5 of my blog posts all about being scared to write. They explain what the fear is and where it might come from. Then each blog post includes an exercise to acknowledge and get past the feeling of being scared to write. Read through all of them or just click on the links that you need. Getting rid of the mindset …

Are you scared to write your book? Read more »

Have you ever wondered if people are reading anymore? With the amount of time people spend on social media does anyone stop scrolling long enough to pick up a book? People have busy lives full of work and family. Their leisure time needs to include exercise and movement if they want to stay healthy. So, is there any point to writing your book? Will there be anybody interested in reading it? The short answer is yes. Yes, people are reading in their …

Benefits of reading as a hobby and the reasons why more books need to be written. Read more »

Writing is not like other crafts or jobs. There is no qualification requirement, experience level or even age requirement. This is the first reason why you are ready to start writing now. But we can still feel like we are not ready. I have been there. I did a whole degree because I thought I did not know enough. I thought I would not be taken seriously if I did not have a degree. While my degree contained literature and creative writing …

You are ready to start writing now: here is why and how. Read more »

I was stuck recently. Again. The words were not flowing and the doubts were creeping in. My technique to combat this is to go through inspiring writing quotes. A lot of these are by published writers that have also been stuck. So, if you are struggling to get words on the page then this list of 12 quotes is for you.  1 Do not use somebody else’s definition of success to measure your progress. Also, not everybody keeps writing. A lot of …

12 Quotes to Inspire You to Write Read more »

Taking a break can be hard. Especially if you are feeling the pressure to get more writing done. But rest is a very important step in being able to write.  In our society the hustle and grind culture is strong. It can be hard not to feel like you should be writing every time you have 5 minutes. When you tell someone that you write they often ask ‘when is the book out?’ When can I buy your book in a shop? …

An unexpected way to improve your writing Read more »

I have written a lot here about how fear can slow down or prevent you from writing. But what is fear? Why do we experience it? Knowing how our bodies react to fear can help you understand it and stop it from affecting your writing. Fear is not a nice sensation to experience. It makes us vulnerable and we feel like we are in danger. Fear becomes a problem when it prevents us from doing something that we really want to do. Like …

How understanding your fears helps your writing Read more »

So far I have been rejected 14 times. I have submitted my short stories 15 times and gotten one acceptance and 14 rejections. But now I feel like I have joined the club of people who have had their writing rejected and I can call myself a writer. It is a much easier club to join than the published novel club. I want to share with you what I have learned from my rejections so far. Everyone has experienced rejection – even Oprah …

What I have learned from my writing rejections Read more »

I am not going to be talking about grammar, spellings or sentence structure. I am not going to talk about plot or if you should be planning or ‘pantsing’ your novel. These are not mistakes. These are all just part of the writing process. So I do not consider these mistakes. Why is it important to learn from your mistakes? Mistakes are a way of letting us know that we have more to learn. For me I am reframing this to look …

Are you scared to make mistakes when you write? Read more »

Comparison is the thief of joy – Theodore Roosevelt The only person you should compare yourself with is the person you were yesterday. These quotes are probably already familiar to you. But recognising a quote and taking action on the advice are two very different things. I have suffered a lot from comparisonitis in many areas of my life. Parenting, appearance, salary, driving, writing and many more. If someone else was doing the same thing as me I would compare myself and …

What to do instead of comparing yourself to other writers Read more »