Writing is not always about sitting down with a pen in hand and a stack of notebooks ready to be filled. Often, our image of what a writer looks like will be in black and white. But we have moved on from using quills to write with. Modern writing needs modern methods. Writing related activities can also help us to increase the amount we write.

There is no magic formula that works for everybody. Writing is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ activity. I am going to walk you through the steps so that you can build a writing routine that works for you. While I am giving you a framework you are going to be doing most of the work. I give you the possible options but you make the decision. This puts control into your hands.  I have searched for the ‘secret’ step that I was sure I …

How to build your writing routine in 5 days Read more »

It can be hard to find the time for writing. It does not matter whether you have a busy schedule or all the time in the world. Sitting down to write regularly can still be difficult. I am not going to tell you to wait for motivation or how to clear a large chunk of time in your calendar. Neither of these things are required to find time to write. Often, they are an easy excuse for not writing. I am not …

How to find the time to write: Four steps to help you write more often Read more »

Is fear the reason you are not writing? Are you letting fear bully you out of writing? As someone who spent way too long waiting to write or struggling to write my biggest breakthrough came when I acknowledged my fears. I want to help you understand how fear could be affecting your writing Fear of Success It took me a long time to realise that I was afraid of success. It was a deeply hidden fear, but I was afraid that if …

How to overcome your fears around writing Read more »