Get my Free Guide to Build Your Writing Routine in 5 Days
Fill in the form below to sign up for my newsletter and as a thank you I will send you a free guide to help you build your writing routine in 5 days.
I send out a newsletter every 2 weeks with the latest updates from the blog. I often include extra advice and writing resources that I have discovered.

Are you ready to design your writing routine to fit your life as it is right now?
Don’t wait until the ‘right’ time. Start now. Even if it is only 5 minutes at a time. If you want to write then you deserve to have writing as a part of your life.
Fill in the form to receive my newsletter and the free guide to build your writing routine in 5 days will be sent straight to your inbox.
I know how frustrating it can be when you see other people writing books. Meanwhile, your ideas are stuck in your head and you just can’t manage to find the time to write them down.
When you sign up you will be able to use the free guide to build your writing routine in 5 days.
After you download the guide you will be able to create a record of your writing routine. Then the next time you have a break from writing you can get back on track faster. (Because taking intentional, or unintentional, breaks are just part of the writing process.)

I know how life can feel too busy to fit in any time for writing. A few years ago, I really wanted to write but I struggled to fit it in between babies, college and working. I knew writing made me happy but trying to write the way other people did was not helping me fit more writing into my life.
Over the years I developed a routine that worked for me. I was able to write enough to finish and submit short stories and I am currently working on my first novel. (Updates are posted on Instagram.) This is why I started my blog. I want to help other people create the writing routine that works for them.
When you sign up you will receive my newsletter twice a month. It has links to the latest blog posts and anything else that I think will help your writing.
The first email you receive will be to confirm your email address. If you do not receive this email check your spam folder. Once you click to confirm your email address then my welcome email with the download will land in your inbox.
If you decide that you do not want to receive the newsletter at any stage you can click unsubscribe. The link to unsubscribe is at the bottom of every email.